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Designing an Orthodox church means learn about Orthodox traditions, architectural elements and customs. The place was also a very important decision, but after traveling to Georgia and studying the most important cities of the country, I decided to design a church in Kutaisi, the third biggest city of the country. 


It shouldn’t have been like a normal church. Georgia was praying for a change, was asking for a renovation of the sacral architecture.

First floor

Top floor

The simplicity of the facade

One of the premises to follow in this project was taking the painting of the bottom part, and thinking
about this like a building. 


From this step, the main lines were coming up using them like a part of the building, like the structure, the gaps or the volumes. With those lines some spaces were starting to be created, spaces sometimes empties, sometimes not. From the own painting, I started to get different highs trying to create the same sensations of the painting. The ground floor appeared almost without any intention, and then the rest. Suddenly, the light and the voids like the answer of the painting.


Interior view of the church

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